The Parent's Coach

Jason Wittman, MPS - The Parent's Coach

Coaching Parents thru the Teenage/Young Adult Years

 Resources for Parents

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For your convenience I have provided links to where you can find more info or purchase the items listed below. I can say that these resources have worked for me. I can’t guarantee that your experience, the way you use them or your dealings with them will equal mine. If you find that any of the links are not working, please let me know at I sometimes receive compensation from some of these referrals as their was of saying “thank you” for referring people to them. I never will put any reference on this list that I do not have positive, personal experience with. There are referrals on this page, such as Tommy Hopkins sales material, where I don’t get anything in return. Links make it to this page because they are dynamite tools to win by. My reputation is too valuable to list junk here just for the little monetary returns I would receive.

Resources For Parents

Suggested Readings:


Real Boys Workbook by William Pollack. William Pollack, Ph.D. is
the director of The Center for Men at McClean Hospital, a major
teaching facility of Harvard Medical School The Center is
dedicated to enhancing knowledge of men's life experiences,
physical and mental health issues. He is THE expert on how reach
and counsel boys. This workbook is the "how to" version of his
original, monumental book,"Real Boys : Rescuing Our Sons from
the Myths of Boyhood
" which is a bit too achedemic and tedious
for most people who are really looking for ways of dealing with
their kids. The workbook is the answer to their need. This is
must reading for anyone interested in working with boys.

Parent As Coach by Diana Sterling. This is a quick read and a
great primer for raising your teenagers. The subtitle of the book
is: Helping your teen build a life of confidence, courage and
compassion. I believe she provides with this book a great guide
to accomplish that in a manner that your teen might just actually
feel O.K. about. I am using this book in my coaching of parents
of teens. It is a "must read." It is also available in Spanish.

The Biggest Job We'll Ever Have by Laura and Malcolm Gauld.
Although this book is way longer and a more difficult read than
Parent As Coach, it is well worth the effort. The Goulds run the
Hyde Schools in New England that have a strong reputation for
creating successes for teens who seemed destined for disaster.
They themselves are products of the Hyde School programs
having been students there in their youths. Where Parent As Coach
will get you started quickly on the track of constructive parenting,
this book will delve deep into thoughtful consideration of just what
are the real goals of successfully raising a teenager. Its subtitle,
"Finding the Right Balance Between Character and Achievement
for Your Child" tells it all. This book is also on my "must read" list.

The Dip by Seth Godin. Although not a book about parenting, it
is a valuable resource because it provides the framework for
decision making. For an explaination of how this relates to
parenting of teens, check out my blog entitled, " Perserverence
and Endurance are the Keys to Winning The Parents Game."


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